Zero Heating AC & Refrigiration

4 Spring Air Conditioning Tips

Spring is almost here, and one of the things that should be foremost in your mind is making sure your air conditioning system works properly.

The last thing you want is for your air conditioning to break down right in the middle of a torrid day. Therefore, it’s advisable to keep in mind a couple of tips to make sure your AC unit works efficiently during the hot season.

Using windows to capture cool air, adding a fan to your room, and getting professional service for your AC are just some of the strategies you can use to make sure you stay cool and comfortable during spring and summer.

1. Aim for Efficiency With Your Thermostat

There’s a principle you should keep in mind when using your thermostat: the smaller the difference between interior and exterior temperatures, the greater the amount of energy you’ll save. Therefore, the rule of thumb is to set your thermostat at the highest setting you can tolerate, so as to make your unit work less.

2. Use Your Windows to Capture Cool Air

If where you live cools off at night, consider turning off your air conditioning and leaving your windows open while you sleep. Then, in the morning you can shut the windows to capture the cool air. Once the colder air has been used up, you can turn your AC.

Window coverings are also a smart way to take advantage of natural ventilation, as they can prevent heat gain through your windows.

3. Add a Fan

Another way to help your air conditioning unit is by placing a fan in the room. The fan will circulate the colder air, so you won’t be leaving all the cooling to your AC. This way you won’t have to operate your unit to its highest setting, avoiding potential damage and saving on energy costs.

4. Have Your AC Unit Serviced

The best time to service and clean your AC system is right before you intend to use it. Call a professional to get your unit cleaned and make sure that it’s in working order. An expert should be able to nip in the bud whatever potential issues your AC might present before they become a problem.

At Zero Heating AC & Refrigeration we install, repair, maintain al replace equipment and service all brands of air conditioning.

Get in touch with us using our contact form, by email or telephone (210-900-0824). Schedule a maintenance appointment today or get an estimate to make sure that your AC unit is in perfect working order when you need it the most.

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