Air conditioning units can present a wide range of problems, but some are more common than others.
The following guide will provide you with a list of the most usual problems that can affect your air conditioning, along with some tips about how to solve these issues.
Filter Issues
Make sure to change your filters according to the indications included in your manual. This changes from company to company and even from model to model, so the period may vary between once every month and once every three months. A way to determine of your filter is dirty is checking if light passes through it. If it does, you probably need to change it.
Refrigerant Leaks
Your Air Conditioning system works best when the refrigerant charge matches exactly the manufacturer’s specifications. If you detect a leak, simply adding more refrigerant is not the solution. A trained technician should be able to fix any leak and charge the system with the right amount of refrigerant for optimal performance.
The compressor is what propels the refrigerant through the coils, so if it’s broken, your AC won’t work. Lack of refrigerant, or too much of it, are common causes of compressor damage. Corrosion of wires are also a source of DAMAGE, so make sure they’re checked during a professional service call.
Thermostat Issues
The thermostat activates your air conditioning when your home needs to be cooled. If you suspect there’s a problem with it, make sure that it’s turned on, that the inside is clean, that it’s on the correct setting and not being affected by sunlight. If none of this is the cause of the problem, then probably it’s time to call a professional technician.
Professional Maintenance
There are a lot of things you can do to ensure that your Air Conditioning works properly. For example, you can change the filters yourself. However, professional maintenance is always necessary. Make sure you hire a technician with the experience and know-how
At Zero Heating AC & Refrigeration our experts have the expertise to service your air conditioning unit and make sure that all its components are in working order. We offer repairs, installations, tune-ups, service and cleaning.
We are located at 4142 Hickory Sun San Antonio, Texas. Contact us today by email, telephone or through our social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) to get more information about the services we have to offer for you and your business.