Zero Heating AC & Refrigiration

5 Tips to Extend the Life of Your AC

Girl relaxing on couch illustrates blog "5 Tips to Extend the Life of Your AC"Girl relaxing on couch illustrates blog "5 Tips to Extend the Life of Your AC"

Like any other appliance, your AC requires some basic care to keep functioning in top condition. Regular maintenance and a few simple tricks can help extend the lifespan of your air conditioning unit, save you money on energy bills, and avoid expensive repairs or replacements. 

1. Change Your Filters Regularly

The most basic and essential task for keeping your AC unit in top shape is to replace or clean its filters. 

Clogged or dirty filters cause your AC to work harder and longer, leading to increased energy expenses, reduced efficiency, and even system failure. 

For central air units, replace your filters every 1-3 months or according to the specifications in your user manual.

2. Keep Your AC Clean

Cleaning your AC regularly prevents dust, dirt, debris, and other contaminants from accumulating on its components, reducing its efficiency, and causing damage. 

Clean the exterior unit using a soft brush or damp cloth, removing any debris or vegetation around it. 

Also, clean the coils and fins using a fin comb, spray bottle, and a commercial coil cleaner if needed. Ensure your AC has proper clearance around it, and don’t cover it during winter.

3. Optimize Your Thermostat Settings

Using your thermostat efficiently can help reduce the workload on your AC and save energy. Consider investing in a programmable or smart thermostat that can adjust temperature settings based on your schedule, and turn off your system when you’re not home.

4. Tend to Your Air Ducts

Your air ducts play a significant role in your AC’s efficiency and performance. However, they can get dirty or clogged over time, affecting your indoor air quality and energy use. 

Have your air ducts cleaned and inspected by a professional every two to three years or when you notice signs of dust or debris buildup. Ensure your vents are not obstructed by furniture, drapes, or other objects that block the airflow.

5. Schedule Regular Maintenance

Finally, having a professional AC technician regularly inspect, clean, and tune-up your unit can help prevent problems and extend its life. 

Schedule a maintenance service at least once a year, preferably before the summer season, when your AC will be working at its full capacity (especially if you live in San Antonio!) 

During the service, the technician will check your refrigerant levels, electrical connections, ductwork, and other key components, identify any potential issues, and perform any necessary repairs or adjustments.

Wrapping it Up

With regular maintenance and some simple tips, you can ensure your AC continues to serve you efficiently and reliably for many years. 

Don’t hesitate to call in a professional if you notice any unusual sounds, smells, or performance issues, and never attempt to repair or maintain your AC on your own. A little upkeep now can save you a significant amount of money and hassle down the road.

Looking to Repair or Replace Your HVAC in San Antonio, TX? Zero Heating AC & Refrigeration Can Help!

When it comes to HVACrepair and maintenance in San Antonio Texas, Zero Heating and Refrigeration offers the best service delivered with the utmost professionalism.

We are located in San Antonio, Texas. Contact us today using our website, by telephone (210-900-0824), or through our social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter and to schedule a repair or to get a free estimate.


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