Zero Heating AC & Refrigiration

Can I Replace My Thermostat Myself?

Photo of hand pressing a button on thermostat illustrates blog: "Can I Replace My Thermostat Myself?"Photo of hand pressing a button on thermostat illustrates blog: "Can I Replace My Thermostat Myself?"

When it comes to your air conditioning system, there are some things you can fix yourself, while certain issues are better left to the pros. For example, can you replace your thermostat yourself? In today’s post, we provide an answer.

Can I Replace My Thermostat Myself?

Yes, in general, replacing a thermostat is a relatively straightforward task that can be done by anyone with medium-to-advanced DIY skills. However, you should always remember to observe basic precautions, follow the instructions in your user manual, and be ready to call a pro if you need assistance.

The process of replacing a thermostat usually involves the following general steps (refer to your manual for details):

You should always be extremely careful when electricity is involved. So one of the most important things you should do when replacing your thermostat is to turn off the circuit breakers for the thermostat, furnace, and air conditioning. 

Even if replacing a thermostat is a relatively simple job, there are some situations where you should consider calling an AC pro. In the next section, we’ll take a look at some of those scenarios. 

When To Call a Professional

In some cases, it makes sense to call an AC pro to have your thermostat replaced. For example:

For more useful info on thermostats, check out or previous blog, “Why Is My Thermostat Changing on Its Own?

Zero Heating AC and Refrigeration: We Keep You Cool

Whether you need to repair or replace your AC unit, Zero Heating AC and refrigeration and Refrigeration is your best option in San Antonio, Texas. Contact us today using our website, by telephone (210-900-0824), or through our social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter and to schedule a tune-up or to get a free estimate. We also offer financing plans for your convenience.

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