Whenever hot weather strikes, nothing beats the feeling of air conditioning keeping our indoor spaces at a comfortable temperature. This allows us to feel relaxed and enjoy ourselves, whether we are spending time in our home or working on important projects. In the case of schools, classrooms can overheat quite quickly, especially during the spring and summer months. Such conditions have been proven to affect the academic performance of students rather negatively, making a must for every school to consider installing AC units in each and every classroom.
One of the most important reasons why every classroom should have air conditioning units is because they help students stay focused. When we are exposed to high temperatures, our brain focuses on cooling down instead of concentrating on the task we might be doing. Therefore, trying to study in a hot room can be particularly hard, and AC units can have a positive impact on young students, as their academic performance is enhanced by comfortable spaces.
Coming across kids with allergies tends to be quite common, and this is especially true in classrooms with poor ventilation and without air conditioning. One of the many benefits of AC units is that it helps filter the air that both students and school staff are breathing, cleaning the air and creating a high-quality indoor air quality. Studying and working in a toxin-free environment will not only help kids improve their grades, but it will help them with their allergies, too.
Working with complex lessons requires a lot of concentration from both students and teachers since they might come across frustrating situations to analyze and manage properly. In order to have students fully engaged during complex lessons, avoiding any kind of disruptions or distractions, classrooms need to be comfortable spaces, and this includes the temperature. Hot temperatures make students more irritable and negatively impact their overall mood and behavior. So, having working air conditioning units should be an absolute must.
Not only complex lessons become harder to go through when the temperature rises, but heat can also affect students’ test results. Several studies have shown that students are 12% more likely to fail a test when they have to take it in an overheated classroom. Besides, overheated classrooms also drop students’ chances of graduating by 2%. This is because studying with hot temperatures can make students care less about their performance while also decreasing their problem-solving skills. As a result, their grades drop and this can create a cycle of failing and not caring. Therefore, if schools care about their students, air conditioning units should be installed in every single classroom across the country.