Having an AC unit installed properly sounds like something that should be a given. After all, making the investment of buying an air conditioner and having a professional take care of the installation should be enough. However, it is not uncommon to see AC units being installed incorrectly, which can result in poor unit performance and high electricity bills. Luckily for homeowners, it isn’t really difficult to know if an AC unit has been installed properly. All we need is taking a look at the unit itself, the ductwork, the AC filters, and the utility bills we get every month.
Make Sure You Bought the Right Unit
One of the best ways to know if your AC unit has been installed properly is by making sure we got the right unit in the first place. This is something that will vary from one person to another, as we need to consider the best unit for the size of our home. Getting the biggest one might work for some homeowners while getting the smallest one could work for others. The best unit is the one that is the right size depending on the square footage of our house.
Take a Look at the Ductwork
Once we had a professional come in and install our unit, we might want to look at the ductwork. This means checking that the ducts that go from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit are secure and intact. Finding holes and loose connections will also help us make sure our AC unit has been installed properly. If we find anything wrong with the ductwork, we should call an HVAC repair team and have them solve the issue.
Check the AC Filters
The filters in air conditioning units are some of the most important components, and they will ensure our unit works how it is supposed to. In order to ensure the proper functioning of your AC unit, the filters must be free and clear of any debris that may result from a poor installation job. One easy way to see if your filters need cleaning is that your air conditioning unit doesn’t seem to be cooling air as it should. If you think there is a problem with your filters, don’t hesitate and call your HVAC repair company.
Pay Attention to Your Bills
Last but not least, one of the best ways to know if your AC unit has been properly installed or not is by paying attention to your electricity bills. Having an air conditioner installed in our home will definitely see an increase in our energy consumption. However, AC units, especially newer ones, are designed to be energy-efficient. So, if our electricity bill is higher than the cost of the unit itself, there might be something wrong with the installation.