When it comes to HVAC systems, we know that giving them the proper maintenance is key to increase its life cycle and enhance their performance and efficiency. Hiring a professional company to carry out the proper inspections, repairs, and tune-ups is one of the best ways to ensure our AC units stay in the best shape possible. However, keeping track of all these inspections and repairs might be a bit tricky, as we might have our units checked every season or even once a year. That’s why we have put together a quick and easy HVAC home maintenance checklist for you.
To begin with, we need to remember some important and useful tips for immediate maintenance for our AC units. By this, we mean updates or repairs that we might have not done in the past, but that will have a positive impact on our air conditioning systems. For example, we should consider buying a high-efficiency pleated air filter for our AC units. This type of filters is designed in a way that it allows our units to increase the surface area of a filter, which in turn improves the performance and efficiency of air conditioners.
Another important home maintenance tip is to make sure we keep our AC and heating units clean, free of leaves, pollen, and grass. This is something that must be done quite often, as these elements can start having a negative impact on the performance of our HVAC systems faster than we think. Also, we need to pay attention to the space of our outdoor AC units and try to leave at least 2 feet of space around them clean.
For longer-term maintenance, there are several aspects we need to keep in mind, too. For example, we need to remember having our air conditioning units inspected by a professional every month and replacing our air filter at least once every two or three months. Also, during the months of summer, we should turn off the water and instead use the furnace humidifier, and switch this during fall, using the furnace humidifier instead of the water.
Last but not least, there are some maintenance tips for our HVAC system that require being taken care of only once a year. These include replacing the carbon monoxide detector battery, ensuring the outdoor AC unit is at the level ground and set firmly, as well as clearing the AC condensate drain with a mixture of water and bleach. This way, our AC units will have proper performance and last longer than without this maintenance.
Remember that the best way to ensure optimum performance and increased efficiency by our HVAC systems is to have professional inspecting, repairing and replacing our units. This way, we will know that we have an expert taking care of this job and that the results will be what we expect and deserve.