Zero Heating AC & Refrigiration

Why is my AC so loud?

Photo of man with glasses covering his ears.Photo of man with glasses covering his ears.

Modern AC units are designed to operate as smoothly and quietly as possible. So if your unit is loud, it’s important to figure out the reason. In today’s post, we explain some of the most common reasons why your AC is so loud. 

Why is my AC so loud?

First off, “loud” is a very broad term and can mean many different things for different people. Let’s take a look at what people usually mean when they complain that their AC is loud.

What To Do if Your AC Is Loud?

As you can see, AC noises occur for a variety of reasons. Unless the source of the noise is evident (such as a loose panel, for example), in the vast majority of cases, it’s advisable to contact an AC pro.

A trained professional can identify the issue causing the noise and solve it as promptly and efficiently as possible so that your home is cool and comfortable again in no time. 

Zero Heating AC and Refrigeration: the Best In San Antonio, TX

Whether you need to repair or replace your AC unit, Zero Heating AC and refrigeration and Refrigeration is your best option in San Antonio, Texas. Contact us today using our website, by telephone (210-900-0824), or through our social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter and to schedule a tune-up or to get a free estimate. We also offer financing plans for your convenience.

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